Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A state of perennial restlessness

If you ask me what is the MOST precious thing in this whole world, I will answer you without batting an eyelid - "Time".
Not just in terms of achieving your career goals/financial goals or other insignificant nonsense like that. (  ;-)  )
But from a very broad sense.

Do you ever go through times when you are hopelessly restless and you can't exactly pinpoint why? Like every second of your life seems like "overtime"?
When you think every 6 hours, "shit, is this even worth it?"

It is a crappy feeling.
In a way it is good if you CANT do anything about it. You can easily tell yourself that this is it. You gotta do this for a while; You dont have a choice.


What if you had all the power in the world. To do anything you wanted. Be wherever you wanted to be. But just that you don't know exactly WHAT this place is...
And somehow end up doing some default thing for the sake of it.

That will be like my WORST nightmare. Hope that never gets realised. Under any context.


  1. It is a perennially factual point that you bought up in the post...
    Yep - I agree with you. I think if I had all the power in the world, I would not even listen to myself!! Just doing things and being at places for the sake of it sounds pointless - there has to be a reason for doing something, even if the reason is that there's just no other choice or way. Are you spending long hours at the hospital? Where did this thought take its root from?

  2. hmm. this post.... is not intended to be 'elaborated' on. guess different people will relate to it in their own little ways.
    it has bugger all to do with long hospital hours :-)

  3. man, thats scary. i'd never wanna be in that state.
